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How it works

Take your test
Receive your test and follow the step-by-step instructions for accurate, reliable results in minutes, all without having to leave your home.

Monitor your health
Record your test result and follow the guided aftercare advice. Newfoundland offers immediate access to a designated doctor service.
Our tests
Say hello to the future of proactive healthcare and see today what could happen tomorrow.
Welcome to Newfoundland, where healthcare starts at home.
Discreet delivery
No names, no logos
Connect with a doctor
Phone, video and in-person GP appointments and advice
Regulatory approved
All our products are CE marked and registered with the MHRA
Revolutionary technology
Clinically proven accuracy
Frequently purchased
How it compares
Traditional lab tests | ||
Time | Results in 1-3 days | Results in minutes |
Convenience | Requires visit to a clinic or sample to be mailed | Can be performed where and when required |
Cost | More expensive: typically £35-£500+ | Prices from £4.99 |
Accessibility | May require an assessment or referral | Easily available from retailers & online |
Privacy | Tests conducted externally and data taken & stored | Tests conducted at home and data not stored |
Accuracy | Typically >95% | 90–99.9% |
Regulatory | CE, MHRA, UCAS | CE, MHRA |
Aftercare | Results report provided to share with GP | Doctor service available for appointments |
Usage | Best for diagnosis & complex testing | Best for initial screening & frequent monitoring |
Over 100 million tests sold worldwide
Test at home and arrange a GP appointment the same day
Newfoundland offers a first-of-its-kind service:
- Appointments with a doctor from £59
- Speak to GP over the phone, via video call or in person
- Available 24/7, 365 days a year
Welcome to the future of healthcare; facilitating early diagnosis, immediate consultations and easy access to prescriptions and treatment.