
An at-home test to measure total cholesterol levels in your blood. High cholesterol increases your risk of coronary artery disease, heart attacks and strokes. The Newfoundland Cholesterol Test detects high cholesterol early, one of the biggest risk factors for heart disease and stroke. It also allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of current treatments or lifestyle changes.


Key features

Blood sample

Results in 3 mins

Over 96% accurate

Who is this test for?

Individuals at risk of high cholesterol, including those who...

Have a family history

A genetic predisposition to high cholesterol.

Are overweight, obese or take minimal exercise

Excess body weight can raise cholesterol levels.

Have a poor diet

Diets high in saturated fats, fried and processed foods.


Smoking damages blood vessels and lowers good cholesterol (HDL).

Have diabetes

Diabetes can affect cholesterol levels.

Are older

Cholesterol levels tend to rise with age.

Regular monitoring and healthy lifestyle choices can help manage and reduce these risks.

"Regular cholesterol checks can guide lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. Using this simple, painless finger-prick-test, you can accurately monitor your cholesterol levels from your own home. It’s game changing!"

Dr Hilary Jones

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